
Find events and learning opportunities from the BMA to develop you professionally as a doctor.

Illustration of doctors giving and attending events
Conference LNC chairs conference 2024 A one-day conference to support LNC chairs or their nominated representative.
Webinar Regulatory law and practice: a practical guide A practical guide to GMC, MPTS, criminal litigation and inquest proceedings.
Live webinar Cultural communications - live webinar This live webinar will unpick common daily interactions to understand where and how we might come unstuck in our ability to both understand and be understood.
Live webinar Leverage your private income for a prosperous retirement (afternoon) Learn how to optimise your retirement planning using private earnings outside your NHS pension in this live webinar, hosted by Chase de Vere Medical and tailored specifically for doctors.
Live webinar Leverage your private income for a prosperous retirement (evening) Learn how to optimise your retirement planning using private earnings outside your NHS pension in this live webinar, hosted by Chase de Vere Medical and tailored specifically for doctors.
Conference Britain’s disappearing clinical academics and what to do about it - Medical Academics Conference 2024 This is the BMA’s annual policy forum for medical (and dental) academics.